Saturday 3 December 2011

Starting of Mini Project!!!

  This week lecture is the introduction about the mini project, lecturer allocated all the apparatus and material that we going to use in this mini project. The mini project we need to done is single and double sided broad. A sequence of step have to follow to make the broad function.

The sequence of making circuit broad including explosing, developing, etching, cutting, drilling, assembling, soldering, and testing.

  Before starting the project, we need to print out the circuit that have been design from ultibroad on plain white paper and transparency sheet. The circuit printed out will show the component and connection between component of both upper and bottom side. This clearly showing the composition of the devices and make the work more easier. The usage of transparency sheet is for radioactive explosing on circuit broad.

  During the process of developing and etching, we need to use the chemical component such as sodium powder and ferric acid to clean the unwanted copper on the broad. The waste product must be handle well to avoid pollution. After that we cut the board to equal separate circuit.

  The process later is drilling, we make the hole on the broad where the component located. We put the component inside the respective position and solder it. This is the process of assembling and soldering. After soldering the component, we test the circuit broad by connecting to voltage source. If the connection is precise and correct, then the LED on the broad will light up.

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