Thursday 24 November 2011

Multisim and Ultibroad test make me crazy!!!

After learning of multisim and ultibroad, I almost understand their function and usage in the field of engineering. We learning the way to creat, design, and analysis our circuit on multisim and transfer it to ultibroad. The ultibroad allows us to modify and visualize the real circuit on circuit plate by provide 3D view.
And it is almost the time to test our understanding on both of this software.

On tuesday, we having our test on software multisim and ultibroad, everything must be precise in order to avoid any mistake and error while making the real circuit.

Everything is going smooth on the morning of that day, our director explain the test and what he wants us to do on the particular circuit.

I success to creat 2 circuit on multisim, success to let the buzzer sound and make the LED light up. I transfer the circuit to ultibroad. Before this, I replace all the virtual component to real component and confirm the number of component as well as the wire.

When doing the ultibroad, we have to check back the circuit that we creat in multisim to make the connection bocome smoothy. This is the most difficult part because many error will occur like overlaping the wire. I tried many time to make the circuit correct, and my design was so satisfy. But, something unfortunaly happen, the computer jam and everthing is gone expecially my afford. I tried to search help from my director, but he also undefine the problem that occurred just now. I so dissappointed but i decided to redo even no much time is left.

I tried to make the circuit become simple and at least it can function well. After creat, I click the button on screen and transfer it to 3D view, but the bad thing happen again. I knew that I do not have time to redo again, so I give up. Because of this decision, I loss half of my mark in this lab test. I almost want to cry, how a unlucky day!!!

Nevermind, I need to be more hardwork on the next time, everything will be fine~haiz~

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