Thursday 17 November 2011

Learning Multisim and Ultibroad is Crucial as An Engineer

  This week lecture is teaching about the usage of multisim and ultibroad, two of this software are smart enough to modify the real electrical circuit that including the electronic component and the flowing of current and voltage. The lecturer showed that the different version of the software and their improvement over the year.

  Multisim is a window friendly software and is really convenient for design and analyse the circuit. It allows the user to insert different type of electronic component including basic component, input source and even some virtual sources. The user can alter and set up the value of the electronic devices, so that make the circuit function well. It allows the user to creat either series or parallel circuit, analyse and test the efficiency of the circuit by testing the voltage, current, resistance of the component.

  Multisim allow the engineers to design their own electric circuit and transform it to another software that is ultibroad. Ultibroad will show the arrangement of the devices on the real electrical panel. It also show the 3 Dimension of the panel and allows the user understands the circuit completely. But, the ultibroad restrict the using of virtual component, this make the circuit fail to transfer correctly and causing the serious error.

  As an electronic system engineer, it is really important for us to manage the usage of Multisim and ultibroad, because it will completely related to our real project later. It as the starter of creating a panel...

This is the example of multisim...

This is the example of ultibroad...

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