Friday 16 December 2011


  This week lectures were full with challenge and fun. We are going to finish our mini project - 2 single sided PCB project. A sequence of process have to follow in order to make the circuit broad function.

  First, we explore the broad that cover by circuit picture by using UV light. This process taking about 90 minutes. After that, we enter the etching room in workshop. The process conduct in this room are developing and etching. We immerse the broad in sodium solution and hot ferric acid to clean the unwanted copper on the broad. The waste product ( ferric acid ) has to handle carefully to avoid pollution. We dry the broad by cloth and cut the broad to separated equal size.

  Later, we use the sand paper to remove the green component on the broad before we drill the hole. The process later are assembling all the devices and soldering devices. The soldering process is really fun but also difficult, we need to be very be careful the avoid the interrupt and connection to another line.

  The final process is testing. We test the function of broad by using function generator which will supply the voltage to that circuit. I manage to make the LED on 2 broad function light up and I very satisfy with my work because it is too success even through the soldering is not really prefect. I pass up the broad with SMD component and wish will get a good mark...hahaha...

This is the project that I done.
This is the project with blue light LED...

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