Wednesday 21 December 2011

Last week of lecture!!! Learning More!!!

This week lecture is about electric and digital electronic.

  On the electric class, our lecturer ask us to complete 3 tasks, there is extension wire, ac fluorescent light, dc fluorescent light setup. Before we start to do it, lecturer give out the explanation and direction of the electric setup. The extension wire setup need us to connect the wire to 3 pin plug and also the socket. 3 pin plug made by 4 component, there are fuse, earth terminal(green yellow colour), neutral terminal(blue colour), and live terminal(brown colour). Both the connection in 3 pin plug and socket are the same, just connect the 3 wires to their terminal respectively, but the connection of wire must follow the direction, otherwise will cause the black out of current. 

The composition of 3 pin plug as shown as below.
File:Three pin mains plug (UK).svg

  In the connection of ac fluorescent light and dc fluorescent light, the component inside the body of fluorescent light almost the same: wire, starter and ballast. To light up the dc or ac fluorescent light, the ballast inside the body play a important role as they using the different ballast. The crossing wire inside the ac fluorescent light is more complicated than in dc fluorescent as it use up 3 wire: earth, neutral, and live. Dc fluorescent light only has to connect positive and negative terminal of dc supply, so it is suitable to use in car.


  In the lecture of digital electronic, we mainly understand about the analog input, digital output , and also the binary system. The digital electronic playing part in almost everyone daily life and it is the heart of electronic. It make the system function by converting analog data to digital data. The binary system as the counting system in digital electronic interpret the digital system by logic number 1 or 0. Binary number are ideal to use in digital electronic system as it has only 2 valid value.

  Binary number using base 2 number instead of using base 10 number. There is using power square number, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, and so on. The binary system also represents the bit of the system, the binary digit (bit) showing the discrete voltage level of the system.

Friday 16 December 2011


  This week lectures were full with challenge and fun. We are going to finish our mini project - 2 single sided PCB project. A sequence of process have to follow in order to make the circuit broad function.

  First, we explore the broad that cover by circuit picture by using UV light. This process taking about 90 minutes. After that, we enter the etching room in workshop. The process conduct in this room are developing and etching. We immerse the broad in sodium solution and hot ferric acid to clean the unwanted copper on the broad. The waste product ( ferric acid ) has to handle carefully to avoid pollution. We dry the broad by cloth and cut the broad to separated equal size.

  Later, we use the sand paper to remove the green component on the broad before we drill the hole. The process later are assembling all the devices and soldering devices. The soldering process is really fun but also difficult, we need to be very be careful the avoid the interrupt and connection to another line.

  The final process is testing. We test the function of broad by using function generator which will supply the voltage to that circuit. I manage to make the LED on 2 broad function light up and I very satisfy with my work because it is too success even through the soldering is not really prefect. I pass up the broad with SMD component and wish will get a good mark...hahaha...

This is the project that I done.
This is the project with blue light LED...

Thursday 8 December 2011

Having Tour in CANON !!!

  Today lecture having a outdoor learning. We went to visit the Japanese Incorporate in Malaysia, a well known camera brand-Canon.

  Malaysia authorise Canon Incorporate located at Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia and named as Canon Opto (M) SDN BHD. The date of incorporation is on 14 December 1988 and the main production line is about the digital camera, EF lenses, video lens unit, and optical lenses.

  Actually, the canon company came from a small laboratory in Roppongi, Tokyo by 2 brother-in-law on November 1933. The first camera created and produced named as Kwanon, the selling price is about 400 to 500 yen, is cheap right? Is not, according to the currency at that particular time, this selling price is about 5 times of the salary of a graduated student.

  Until years 1935, Canon is named for this company and it stands for "criterion or standard of judgement " and " rule or model ", and the aim of this company is to be excellent global company.

  Canon Opto (M) SDN BHD with more than two thousands staff that including local people and foreigner. The qualification to be the member of this company is their attitude and communication skill. Few years before, the factory intake worker from Vietnam, due to the communication problem, they changed to intake Indonesian where their mother’s tongue mostly similar to Malay language. So it is really important to improve our communication skill in order to make the job smoothly and easier.

  After understanding about the history of Canon through briefing, we had a tour around the factory especially the production line. The lens production have to go through several process before use by the camera which including polishing process, centening process, and combination process. During the production, the rule and regulation is strictly for every staff to ensure the product is perfect and reduce the flaw product rejected from client.

  Went through the production line, everything is in sequence and precise even the position and line up of the machine. Every staff have own responsibility on their position and cooperated to another apartment. All staffs are busy on doing their work in a fast and precise way. Chatting to each other and using cell phone are restrict to ensure the work efficiency. Although the rules and regulation in the factory are strict but the factory also taking care on the staff's welfare by provide a lot of facilities, for example rest area.

  According to the person in charge, the factory was purchased a machine from Japan to recycle the unwanted waste which will cause the green house effect. The waste inside the factory were handle well by categorized it to that recyclable and not recyclable. This is really a good habit to make the production more eco friendly. The food waste produced also process to become fertilizer to be another purpose.

  But, I also discover something bad. When I enter the factory that mainly manufacturing lens glass, I smell something strong and pungent. Actually the machine using certain type of acid to polish the raw material glass to make the surface smooth but most the worker that responsible to this job having their work without wearing mask. After long term of period, this may cause some healthy problem and illness. So, the factory should take more concern about the worker health and safety.

  Anyway~this really a memorable trip that let me learn more about the Japan company and their working management...

Saturday 3 December 2011

Starting of Mini Project!!!

  This week lecture is the introduction about the mini project, lecturer allocated all the apparatus and material that we going to use in this mini project. The mini project we need to done is single and double sided broad. A sequence of step have to follow to make the broad function.

The sequence of making circuit broad including explosing, developing, etching, cutting, drilling, assembling, soldering, and testing.

  Before starting the project, we need to print out the circuit that have been design from ultibroad on plain white paper and transparency sheet. The circuit printed out will show the component and connection between component of both upper and bottom side. This clearly showing the composition of the devices and make the work more easier. The usage of transparency sheet is for radioactive explosing on circuit broad.

  During the process of developing and etching, we need to use the chemical component such as sodium powder and ferric acid to clean the unwanted copper on the broad. The waste product must be handle well to avoid pollution. After that we cut the board to equal separate circuit.

  The process later is drilling, we make the hole on the broad where the component located. We put the component inside the respective position and solder it. This is the process of assembling and soldering. After soldering the component, we test the circuit broad by connecting to voltage source. If the connection is precise and correct, then the LED on the broad will light up.